Featured Paper – Containerized Jenkins with ionir

Containerized Jenkins with ionir

Jenkins is a powerful open-source Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) platform. Running Jenkins in containers dramatically reduces the overhead associated with starting and running instances, making it easy to scale for build, test, and deployment. Using ionir as the data platform for Jenkins on Kubernetes can accelerate the CI/CD pipeline, scale builds and tests across multiple clouds more efficiently, and reduce time to delivery of business applications.

ionir Benefits for Jenkins

  • Accelerates application delivery. ionir enables rapid scaling, optimizes workflows, and reduces errors, speeding the app delivery process
  • Eliminates Multiple Hardware Silos. ionir shares COTS servers with Jenkins and other Kubernetes apps. In typical configurations, only additional media capacity is required, resulting in significant CAPEX savings over external storage
  • Reduces Administration. ionir is orchestrated and runs under Kubernetes, and is managed by the same tools that manage applications and Jenkins. This eliminates the need for separate storage and data management, significantly reducing operational complexity and administrative costs

This document describes four use cases associated with Jenkins, and describes the benefits and best practices for using ionir to optimize these use cases.

Download the full white paper to see the use cases, applications, and benefits.

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