CI/CD, DevOps and Containers: A Winning Trio

CI/CD, DevOps and Containers: A Winning Trio

DevOps powers the production of better-quality software — and does so faster and more easily than before. It’s a dynamic process with many advantages. Understandably, organizations have been taking advantage of increasingly flexible resources and moving away from conveyor belt-style project delivery with hardware and software resource planning, ordering and integration. DevOps helps address the question, “If we can provision resources quickly and easily, how can we complete entire projects with similar responsiveness?”

As the barrier between Dev and Ops recedes, structured communication still takes place. But now, it’s in an iterative, incremental fashion, much like polishing a jewel. Practical solutions can be created, deployed and adjusted now rather than being relegated to lofty goals set in the somewhat distant future.

View the full article from The NewStack below.

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